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FREE DOWNLOAD: Shooting analysis chart

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

A free, downloadable shooting analysis chart to accompany Christian Schofield’s article on planning in Clay Shooter, May issue

To accompany his excellent article on how to make the training and development plans we all talk about, but do not necessarily understand how to achieve, Christian Schofield has provided this free downloadable shooting analysis chart. It should help you to accurately assess your shooting performance and plan your training schedule.

Extract from Christian’s article: “Our plans may not be working as we had envisaged, but the process of planning will, if we have done it well, allow us to change our initial ideas to meet new and unexpected challenges. It is this concept that led Winston Churchill to say, “plans are of little importance, but planning is essential”.

“As sportsmen and women, we are often told of the importance of setting goals and making a detailed plan to achieve them. However, we can be guilty of talking about ‘robust’ plans without explaining what such a thing is and, perhaps more importantly, how

we can create them.”

Read the full article in the May issue of Clay Shooter magazine, on sale April 28th 2021.

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