
Feeding those in need | The Country Food Trust delivers 2 million meals

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

Food poverty is accelerating in the UK; The Country Food Trust has used pheasant & venison to deliver 2million meals to the hungry

credit: Archant

Your kind donations have enabled The Country Food Trust to provide over 2,000,000 warm and nutritious meals to children and their families over the past months.

The Country Food Trust ask us to note that whilst it’s important that we celebrate this incredible milestone for the charity, and the help they have been able to produce and distribute to those in need, we do not forget what these numbers really signify – the sad truth that more and more people are experiencing the harsh realities of food poverty in the UK.

There is still much work to be done, but with your help we aim to be there for those who, through no fault of their own, will find it difficult to feed themselves and their families in the coming months and years.

To find out more please follow the Country Food Trust on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn

The Country Food Trust timeline

The Country Food Trust charity was established in 2015. Following generous funding from a private donor, Tim Woodward, the first CEO, was appointed in the January and the charities first test meal, a nutritious and warming pheasant casserole, was produced in the November of that year. Milestones for the charity include:

* Launched The Country Casserole using pheasant in 2016

* Launched The Country Curry using pheasant in 2017

* Passing the 500,000 meals donated mark in January 2020

* Raising over £350,000 from COVID Appeal in 8 weeks over Easter 2020

* Passing the 1,000,000 meals donated mark in May 2020– announced by HRH Duke of Cambridge on social media

* Passing the 1.5 million meals donated mark in August 2020

* Launching their third ready meal The Country Bolognese using lead free venison in Oct 2020

* Passing the 2,000,000 meals donated mark in January 2021

* Appointing Mark Hix, David Gower, Phil Spencer and Adam Henson as Patrons.