
Hill stalking checklist

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

Here’s a list of items that one stalker considers essential for a day out on the hill

Here’s a list of items that one stalker considers essential for a day out on the hill

Do you have your own list that you use? Or do you think there are other items that should be on this list?

Send us an email at with your suggestions.

The checklistCoat/hat/boots/spare pulloverWatchKnifeStick Mobile phone (check it’s charged up)Estate radio (check battery & frequencies) Fags & lighter (yes, our man is a smoker!)Car/house/ATV keysRifle (check bore, scope, mounts, bipod fitttings, sling fittings) Rifle bolt if carried separatelyRifle sleeve Ammo (check correct calibre/bullet weight)Earplugs/muffsFACBinocularsTelescope Water bottle’Piece’Length of stringRubber gloves for grallochPlastic bag or tape to mark carcassWipes/tissuesSticking plasters

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