Legislation Shooting

Switching shoulders to manage eye dominance

My eye dominace has switched from right to left… are there any solutions other than blocking the left eye? Don Brunt replies… Q: I have recently started shooting again and have found out (since I was missing a few clays), that my left eye has become really dominant. I have had my stock cast slightly

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

My eye dominace has switched from right to left… are there any solutions other than blocking the left eye? Don Brunt replies…

Q: I have recently started shooting again and have found out (since I was missing a few clays), that my left eye has become really dominant. I have had my stock cast slightly by a gunsmith and have bought the Red Eye shooting aid, which has helped. Can you suggest anything else as I would like to be able to shoot without blocking a part of my left eye with the tool?

DON BRUNT replies: I’m assuming that you are probably in your 40s or 50s, which is when eye dominance can change. However, do consider your gun fit as well, as if your build has changed dramatically then the difference in the eye/rib/stock relationship can prompt one eye to take over.

If we assume that your dominance has switched, and you have tried the obvious answers with the patch on your glasses, you could also try a fibre optic bead like the Easy Hit, which draws the eye over the rib and helps it to take charge.

However, the best bet in the long term would be to switch shoulders and shoot from the left. This would entail changing guns to a left-hander, unless you can get a replacement stock for your current gun. There will be a period of probably 500 to 1,000 shots when things will feel very strange, but with mounting practice at home, it will be surprising how quickly you can become accustomed to it. It may not be the cheapest solution, but it’s most likely the one that will solve it once and for all.

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