
WATCH: How to pluck and debreast a pigeon

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

In this easy to follow, step-by-step video, Cai Ap Bryn from Game and Flames shows us the quickest, easiest way to debreast a pigeon, ready for the pot

Pigeon breast is delicious, sustainable and super-healthy meat that can be used in a wide range of game recipes. In this video, game chef Cai Ap Bryn from Game and Flames shows you the fastest, easiest way to pluck and de-breast a pigeon, ready for cooking. The same method can be used for de-breasting pheasants, partridges, ducks… you get the idea! De-breasting is a really quick and easy way of preparing your game birds for the pot, and particularly so with pigeons, which can be small and fiddly to fully pluck. Pigeon is cheap and abundant in the UK, and works equally well diced up in a hearty stew as it does flash fried, sliced and beautifully presented on a bed of creamy mash. Versatile, free-range and low-fat – what’s not to love about this affordable meat!? Enjoy the step-by-step guide to debreasting your pigeons, and don’t forget – you can use it as a guide for debreasting game birds and ducks of any variety.

Cai is an experienced hunter and passionate cook. He has travelled Europe and our own isles extensively, cooking and foraging in some exciting and remote places, from Norway to Hungary. Fresh ideas and exciting concepts bring Game and Flames to the forefront of outdoor cooking experiences. As well as catering for pirvate functions, game fairs and weddings, Cai runs cookery workshops in his outdoor woodland cooking area, which you can see here in the video.

Visit for more details!

credit: Archant

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