
Help or hindrance?

Help or hindrance?

Ryan Kay looks at two areas that can divide opinion in gundog training – the use of treats and placeboards. How we perceive these things may be the real problem.

Ryan Kay
Ben Randall’s debut book - How to train your gundog

Ben Randall’s debut book - How to train your gundog

Champion gundog trainer Ben Randall’s highly anticipated debut book, How to train your gundog, is now available to order.

Winding up your dog

Winding up your dog

Can the wind affect the way my dog behaves?

Howard Kirby
Fred's leg: a mystery and a miracle!

Fred's leg: a mystery and a miracle!

Vicky Payne has been scratching her head this month after what appears to be a simple muscle sprain diagnosis turns out to be something much more unusual – but, as ever, her perseverance pays off!

Vicky Payne
First aid in the field

First aid in the field

From cuts and eye injuries, to muscle strains and hypothermia, Vicky Payne runs through some common issues in working dogs and how to treat them

Vicky Payne
A is for Arthritis

A is for Arthritis

An informative guide to some of the most common health issues our gundogs are likely to encounter

Vicky Payne
Vaccination, vestibular disease and vomiting in dogs

Vaccination, vestibular disease and vomiting in dogs

Vaccination, vestibular disease and vomiting. Vicky Payne explains the ins and the outs – literally – of these medical issues

Vicky Payne
Home sweet home

Home sweet home

What size kennel should you have for a labrador?

Howard Kirby
Fit for purpose

Fit for purpose

Ryan Kay looks at the methods trainers use to get a dog fit for the shooting season, including hydrotheraphy – a technique he believes we could make more use of in the gundog world

Ryan Kay
Should I insure my working dog?

Should I insure my working dog?

Should you get insurance to protect yourself against unexpected vet bills? There are some alternative options to insurance for your dog!

Vicky Payne
Gundog training: Placeboard training

Gundog training: Placeboard training

Whether you choose a board, a hoop or a mat, teaching your young dog to use this target will pay dividends as you progress through their training journey, says Howard Kirby

Howard Kirby
Gundog performance: As good as it gets?

Gundog performance: As good as it gets?

Managing your expectations and being honest about your dog’s natural ability is key to ensuring you enjoy them all year round, not just for a handful of shoot or trialling days, says Ryan Kay

Ryan Kay
The parable of a dog breeder

The parable of a dog breeder

A cautionary tale from Black Lab on the perils of dog breeding. Sometimes, despite following the rulebook to the letter, it just doesn't pan out

Sporting Shooter
Gundog behaviour: Constant vigilance

Gundog behaviour: Constant vigilance

To quote Mad-Eye Moody from the Harry Potter books, ‘constant vigilance’ is most definitely what is needed this time of year, says Lez Graham

Lez Graham
Should I spay my working bitch?

Should I spay my working bitch?

It’s common for vets to recommend spaying bitches, but what are the options? Vicky Payne offers insight into this major decision for gundog owners.

Vicky Payne
Gundog behaviour: why is my dog acting aggressively?

Gundog behaviour: why is my dog acting aggressively?

Vet Vicky Payne explains why gundogs may occasionally display aggressive behaviours, and what to do if that situation occurs.

Vicky Payne
How to: crate train your gundog puppy

How to: crate train your gundog puppy

Correct use of a crate in a puppy’s early life doesn’t just help with house training – it benefits the entire gundog training journey, says Howard. Here’s how to get it right.

Howard Kirby
How to protect your working dog from parasites

How to protect your working dog from parasites

Prevention really is better than cure. Here is vet Vicky Payne’s guide on how to ensure you give your dog the best and most efficient protection from parasites.

Vicky Payne