
It’s Great British Game Week!

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

Great British Game Week runs from 23rd to 29th November and is an opportunity to share and celebrate our love of game meat

It’s that time of year again! From 23rd to 29th November, it is Great British Game Week – a time to celebrate our wonderful wild meat, share recipes, encourage others to try it and, in past years, hold game focused events and dinners. The initiative is promoted by Countryside Alliance’s Game to Eat campaign, BASC’s Taste of Game, and is in partnership with the British Game Alliance’s Eat Wild campaign.

Of course, Covid-19 and lockdown number two have put a spoke in the wheels of the events side of things, but never fear; we are moving our celebration online with daily recipes, competitions and quizzes to try and make the best of a less than ideal situation.

Keep an eye on our Facebook pages (Rifle Shooter and Sporting Shooter) where we will share game recipes and competitions to get involved with.

Enjoy your cooking, and share your photos and recipes with us using our Facebook page. You can browse some of our recipes here