
Shooting has no rural/urban divide, says BASC

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

A distribution map of BASC’s membership of more than 140,000 shows people who take part in shooting sports live in city, town, coast and countryside and dispels any myth about shooting being solely a rural issue.

BASC Chairman Alan Jarrett said: “Anyone who believes shooting is simply a countryside issue is very much mistaken. BASC’s membership is spread across town, country and coast. We hope that all candidates for the General Election will sit up and take note of the fact that people who shoot come from all backgrounds and all areas of the UK. They shoot and they vote.”

The latest independent research shows that more than 600,000 people regularly shoot with shotguns and rifles across all disciplines from target shooting to live quarry. Shooting generates some £2 billion for the economy every year and supports the equivalent of 74,000 full-time jobs, according to the Value of Shooting report, 2014.

BASC Chief Executive Richard Ali said: “It is important that politicians recognise the value of shooting. From Olympic gold medal winners such as Peter Wilson and Richard Faulds to the local rabbit controller, shooting plays an important part in the life of the nation. Shooting is inclusive and this map blows apart any preconceptions that people might have about shooting being a rural niche issue. BASC members come from all walks of life and are as likely to be living in our towns and cities as in the countryside.”

“Shooting is good for the economy, good for the countryside and good for social well-being and we are determined to deliver that message to all political parties.”

For more information visit the BASC website