Gear Shooting

Arxus Primo Nord LW – test & review

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

Drennan Kenderdine is over the moon to review the Arxus Primo Nord LW boots – a pair of high-quality wellies that fit his wide feet and calves!

credit: Archant

When we think of our Swedish friends, we are blessed with what they’ve bought to us Britonians; ABBA, Volvo, Spotify, Swedish Meatballs, SAAB… and Arxus! (I’ve left IKEA out – I’ve seen enough souls die on a Sunday trying to fit flatpack furniture into a Ford Fiesta.)

So, who or what is Arxus? Born in Sweden, tested in the tough Nordic environment and distributed in the UK by Alan Paine, this manufacturer has made the best wellie on the market! I know, I know… some time ago the French were the world leaders in wellie making. I’m sure you have an old pair of Frenchy Mud Trotters knocking about and, like me, went to buy a new pair only to be a little disappointed with the change in quality.

I’ve known about Arxus for years. I’ve family, friends and clients wearing them; all giving the thumbs up. So, I contacted Magnus at Arxus HQ, with technical questions such as: “Will these fit my Bilbo Baggins feet?”; “Will they go ‘round my calves with the circumference of Saturn’s rings?” He answered yes, and informed me of their newest creation – the Primo Nord LW. An ultimate lightweight, insulated natural rubber boot (the rubber has a thickness of 2mm indicating exceptional quality and durability compared to other competitors with thicknesses of 1.5mm or even 1.2mm).

The Primo Nord LW is equipped with a fabulous looking ‘rip-stop’ fabric combined with a highly insulated lining of 5mm neoprene and a 2mm ‘air cell’ lining which creates an effective air layer between the body and the neoprene lining. If the foot gets too warm, the condensation is spread within the air cells and evaporates up the boot shaft (which is waterproof) and out of the top. Therefore, you’re kept warm in cold weather and cool during warm weather, which is ideal for Autumn and Winter.

credit: Archant

The Driving Test

I’ve driven hundreds and hundreds of miles wearing my Arxus wellies. From the West Midlands to Kent and back in my Range Rover, to the pub in the wife’s Mini Countryman, in tractors, forklifts, and even my mountain bike with few odd looks from the local natives. No slipping on the pedals, easy to change gear and as comfortable to drive in as any regular footwear. The Primo Nord LW delivered.

The Outdoor Test

I’ve used them while clay and game shooting, and they were truly a blessing! Standing on pegs, walking, jumping in and out of vehicles, all put a strain on legs and feet. I can report that after a full day in the field, my legs and feet were as good as when I started the day.

When fly fishing, in shin-deep water for a couple of hours, the lower limbs never got cold or fatigued. Oh, I also got roped into doing horsey chores, much to my dismay… however, I was comfortable and kept warm. Primo Nord LW is a product built for comfort and the endurance needed for these types of activities.

Why Choose Arxus?

In addition to the above, all boots in the range are designed to offer the best foot and leg support. The half-length Riri zip, at the back, allows for an individual fit around the calf. The best place for a zip in my opinion. The X-pattern sole has six different layers, creating a level of comfort like grandad’s slippers! The removable EVA 5mm felt insole has the shock absorption of a hovercraft. Arxus Primo Nord LW is the next generation of a high–tech lightweight boot combined with a traditional and stylish design. A must-have that is worth every penny. Arxus – a Viking for the Norse God for Wellie Makers.

For more information visit: or telephone Tel+44(0)1623415764 for your nearest stockist

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