
CPSA fixtures – December

The list of CPSA fixtures for December… get out there and enjoy some clay shooting, there’s plenty on! credit: Archant Friday 1 December A1 Shooting Ground, Greater London, 0208 4419986, Practice OTR, ES10:00-16:00 Atkin, Grant & Lang SG, Hertfordshire, 01582 849382, ESP Practice – Pay & Play. Tuition by Appt. Tel 01582849382 Email:, 09:00-17:00

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Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

The list of CPSA fixtures for December… get out there and enjoy some clay shooting, there’s plenty on!

credit: Archant

Friday 1 December

A1 Shooting Ground, Greater London, 0208 4419986, Practice OTR, ES10:00-16:00

Atkin, Grant & Lang SG, Hertfordshire, 01582 849382, ESP Practice – Pay & Play. Tuition by Appt. Tel 01582849382 Email:, 09:00-17:00

Barbury Shooting School, Wiltshire, 07872 666154, 100 ESP Practice Food available Last entries 16:30, 09:00-17:00

Beverley Clay Target Centre, Yorkshire, 01964 551134, Practice all disciplines, 10:30-16:00

Bisley Shooting Ground Ltd, Surrey, 01483 797017, ESP PRACTICE,PAY & PLAY, TUITION, 09:00-16:00

Brook Bank, Somerset, 01749 871055, ESP/ESK/DTL/ABT/UTR/OTR (Please check Calendar on, 11:00-17:00

Cambridge Gun Club Ltd, Cambridgeshire, 01353 648004, ESP & STR Practice , 10:00-16:00

Cockett Farm Shooting Ground, Nottinghamshire, 01623 882244, ESESK, DTL, ABT, STR, FSP & HIGH SKEET, 10:00-Dusk

Dartford Clay Shooting Club, Kent, 01322 311001, PRACTICE – ESK, ESABT, OSK, UTR, DTL, DR & CSP FLOODLIT FRIDAY , 10:00-20:00

Doveridge Clay Sports Centre, Derbyshire, 01889 565986, Open Practice, 10:00-17:00

E.J.Churchill Group Ltd, Buckinghamshire, 01494 883227, Practice and Lessons. Please call to book, 09:00-15:00

Eriswell Lodge, Suffolk, 01638 534045, ESSTR, ESK, SKD, ABT, DTL, AR, FSP Practice, 09:30-15:30

Fauxdegla Shooting Ground, Wales, 01978 790198, PRACTICE ALL DISCIPLINES, 10:00-17:00

Greenfields Shooting Ground, Kent, 01227 713222, 100 ESP PRACTICE, 10:00-14:30

Griffin-Lloyd Shooting Ground, Wales, 01547 550634, OTR (appt only), 23 ESP Stands (Drive/Walk), Grouse Butt & High Tower. 01547 550 634, 09:30-16:00

High Lodge Leisure Ltd, Suffolk, 01986 784347, PRACTICE CLAYS DTL, ESK, ES10:00-17:00

Kibworth Shooting Ground, Leicestershire, 0116 279 6001, Practice: ESESK, DTL, STR, FSP. , 10:00-16:00

Lains Shooting School, Hampshire, 01264 889467, ESP & ESK PRACTICE TEL 01264889467, 09:00-15:00

Lea Marston Shooting Club Ltd, Warwickshire, 01676 540070, By Appointment,Skeet,DTL,ABT, Sport Trap Practice & Tuition, 50 Bird check availability, 1 mile M42 J9, 09:30-17:30

Manchester Clay Shooting Club, Lancashire, 07761 409427, 100 ES11:00-15:00

Mickley Hall Shooting School, Cheshire, 07766 252438, OPEN PRACTICE ESP & DTL AND TUITION, 10:00-15:00

Mid Norfolk Shooting Ground, Norfolk, 01603 860436, Practice ESESK & Trap 10am-2pm. Tuition by apcafé, shop & air gun range open, 10:00-16:00

Mid Wales Shooting Centre, Wales, 01686 430654, PRACTICE DTL,ESP,ESK,OSK,ABT, 09:00-17:00

National Clay Shooting Centre, Surrey, 01483 797666, Practice Only, 09:00-16:30

Normanton Shooting Ground, Leicestershire, 07747 001624, ESP PRACTICE + POOL SHOOT, 10:00-Dusk

North Devon Shooting Ground, Devon, 01271 863959, 100 ESP practice, 10:00-16:00

Northall Clay Pigeon Club, Sussex, 01825 791783, ESCSESK, OSK, DT & ABT practice, 10:00-17:00

Oakedge Shooting Ground, Staffordshire, 01889 881391, ESP practice with 12 stands on and lessons, 09:00-16:00

Orston Shooting Ground, Nottinghamshire, 01949 851181, ESDTL, Pool, ESK, ABT, Driven, Open Practice, Tuition, Shop & Café, 09:00-16:00

Oxfordshire Shooting School, Oxfordshire, 07876 033665, ESP Practice – Pay & Play. Tuition by Appt. Tel 07876 033 665 Email:, 09:00-17:00

Royal Berkshire S.S., Berkshire, 01491 672900, Royal Berkshire Christmas Turkey Shoot. £105.00 per head. Adv. Bookings only

South Wales 2000 S.G, Wales, 01495 201182, Practice all disciplines, 10:00-17:00

South West Shooting School, Devon, 01271 864784, PRACTICE ES10:30-17:00

Southdown Gun Club Ltd, Sussex, 01903 877555, OPEN PRACTICE – ESESK, COMPAK, DTL, ABT, HIGH TOWER, GROUSE BUTT, LESSONS, 10:00-15:00

Sporting Targets Ltd, Bedfordshire, 01234 708893, ESESK, STR, DTL & FSP PRACTICE , 09:00-18:00

Tamar Shooting Ground, Devon, 01409 241839, Sporting & DTL practise and tuition by appointment only. Please call 07778526096 or 01409241839., 08:00-13:00

The Priory Clay Target Centre, Lincolnshire, 07468 069373, Practice open for all disciplines , 10:00-16:00

West Midlands Shooting Ground, Shropshire, 01939 200644, Tuition & private practice by appointment – Gunroom open, 08:30-17:00

Whitewater Shooting Ground Ltd, Nottinghamshire, 07712 164062, PRACTICE DTL, ESK, ESSTR, 10:00-17:30

Willow Farm Shooting Ground, Kent, 01233 758703, Sporting,Skeet,DTL,Compact Practice & Lessons, 09:00-16:00

Yeaveley Estate Ltd, Derbyshire, 01335 330247, Practice/Lessons/Corporate Events. All by appointment. Strictly fibre wad only

Saturday 2 December

A1 Shooting Ground, Greater London, 0208 4419986, Practice OTR, ES10:00-16:00

Atkin, Grant & Lang SG, Hertfordshire, 01582 849382, ESP Practice – Pay & Play. Tuition by Appt. Tel 01582849382 Email:, 09:00-17:00

Barbury Shooting School, Wiltshire, 07872 666154, 100 ESP Practice Food available Last entries 15:00, 09:00-15:00

Beverley Clay Target Centre, Yorkshire, 01964 551134, 100 DTL REG & Practice all disciplines 10:30-16:00, 09:00-10:30

Bisley Gun Club, Surrey, 07713 762928, 100 Registered DTL, 08:30-12:00

Bisley Shooting Ground Ltd, Surrey, 01483 797017, ESP PRACTICE,PAY & PLAY, TUITION, 09:00-16:00

Bradford Shooting Ground, Devon, 01409 281341, 100 DTL REG, 09:30-10:30

Brook Bank, Somerset, 01749 871055, ESP/ESK/DTL/ABT/UTR/OTR (Please check Calendar on, 11:00-17:00

Bywell Shooting Ground, Northumberland, 01670 787827, DTL, ESK, ESP & STR Practice, 10:00-16:30

Cambridge Gun Club Ltd, Cambridgeshire, 01353 648004, ESDTL, SKT & STR Practice , 10:00-16:00

Cockett Farm Shooting Ground, Nottinghamshire, 01623 882244, ESESK, DTL, ABT, STR, FSP & HIGH SKEET, 10:00-Dusk

Cosford Shooting Ground, Warwickshire, 07563 518090, Practice ESK, STR, EShot food available, 10:00-15:00

Dartford Clay Shooting Club, Kent, 01322 311001, 100 ESK REG & RE-ENTRY, 100 SKD REG & RE-ENTRY, PRACTICE ESK, ESABT, OSK, UTR, DTL, DR & CS10:00-16:00

Doveridge Clay Sports Centre, Derbyshire, 01889 565986, Open Practice, 10:00-17:00

E.J.Churchill Group Ltd, Buckinghamshire, 01494 883227, Practice and Lessons. Please call to book, 09:00-15:00

Eriswell Lodge, Suffolk, 01638 534045, ESSTR, ESK, SKD, ABT, DTL, AR, FSP Practice, 09:30-15:30

Fareham Clay Target Club, Hampshire, 01329 315185, 100 ABT REG & 50 ESP OPEN RE-ENTRY Entries 09:15 to 14:00, 09:15-10:00

Fauxdegla Shooting Ground, Wales, 01978 790198, PRACTICE ALL DISCIPLINES – 50 OTR REG XMAS SHOOT, 10:00-17:00

Greenfields Shooting Ground, Kent, 01227 713222, 100 ESP PRACTICE, 10:00-14:30

Griffin-Lloyd Shooting Ground, Wales, 01547 550634, OTR (appt only), 23 ESP Stands (Drive/Walk), Grouse Butt & High Tower. 01547 550 634, 09:30-16:00

High Lodge Leisure Ltd, Suffolk, 01986 784347, 100 CHRISTMAS STR SPECIAL ENTRIES SQUADDED, PHONE TO BOOK, PRACTICE CLAYS DTL, ESK, ES10:00-17:00

Kibworth Shooting Ground, Leicestershire, 0116 279 6001, Practice: ESESK, DTL, STR, FSP. , 10:00-16:00

Kingsferry Gun Club, Kent, 01795 877037, 100 ESK REG, 100 SKD REG and Practice, 10:00-15:30

Lains Shooting School, Hampshire, 01264 889467, ESP & ESK PRACTICE TEL 01264889467, 09:00-14:00

Lea Marston Shooting Club Ltd, Warwickshire, 01676 540070, 50 Bird, Skeet, DTL, ABT, Sport Trap Practice, Tuition by Appointment, 1 mile M42 J9, 09:30-17:30

Manchester Clay Shooting Club, Lancashire, 07761 409427, 100 ES11:00-15:00

Mickley Hall Shooting School, Cheshire, 07766 252438, OPEN PRACTICE ESP & DTL AND TUITION, 10:00-15:00

Mid Norfolk Shooting Ground, Norfolk, 01603 860436, Café, shop & air gun range open – NO clay shooting today –, 10:00-16:00

Mid Wales Shooting Centre, Wales, 01686 430654, PRACTICE DTL,ESP,ESK,OSK,ABT, 09:00-17:00

National Clay Shooting Centre, Surrey, 01483 797666, Practice Only, 09:00-16:30

North Cornwall Shooting Ground, Cornwall, 01409 211458, PRACTICE, 10:00-17:00

North Devon Shooting Ground, Devon, 01271 863959, 100 ESP practice, 10:00-16:00

North Of England C.T.C, Yorkshire, 01904 738120, 100 DTL REG entries close 11:30 Practice from 11:30, 09:30-17:00

Northampton Shooting Ground, Northamptonshire, 01604 642252, 100 DTL REG, 100 ESK REG, Open Practice & Black Powder, 10:00-16:30

Nottingham & District Gun Club, Nottinghamshire, 01623 883798, Practice ESFSSTR, ESK & DTL. Food available all day., 10:00-16:00

Nottingham Sporting Clays, Nottinghamshire, 01623 883798, 100 DTL REG, 100 ESK REG on 1 layout. Practice ESFSSTR, ESK & DTL 10:00 – 16:00. Food available all day., 12:00-15:00

Nuthampstead Shooting Ground, Hertfordshire, 01763 848172, Practice, 10:00-16:00

Oakedge Shooting Ground, Staffordshire, 01889 881391, Open practice with last check-in 12:00 + CSP & lessons/group bookings. Food and drinks available, 09:30-12:00

Orston Shooting Ground, Nottinghamshire, 01949 851181, 100 Reg DTL, ESDTL, Pool, ESK, ABT, Driven, Open Practice, Tuition, Shop & Café, 09:00-16:00

Oxford Gun Co., Buckinghamshire, 01844 238308, 100 ES10:00-16:00

Oxfordshire Shooting School, Oxfordshire, 07876 033665, ESP Practice – Pay & Play. Tuition by Appt. Tel 07876 033 665 Email:, 09:00-17:00

Royal Berkshire S.S., Berkshire, 01491 672900, 100 ESP Practice and Tuition. Royal Flush Comp – 100 birds for £50. Food available 9-2. Adv. bookings only

South Wales 2000 S.G, Wales, 01495 201182, Practice all disciplines, 10:00-17:00

South West Shooting School, Devon, 01271 864784, PRACTICE ES10:30-17:00

Southdown Gun Club Ltd, Sussex, 01903 877555, OPEN PRACTICE – ESESK, COMPAK, DTL, ABT, HIGH TOWER, GROUSE BUTT, LESSONS, 10:00-15:00

Sporting Targets Ltd, Bedfordshire, 01234 708893, ESESK, STR, DTL & FSP PRACTICE , 09:00-18:00

Tamar Shooting Ground, Devon, 01409 241839, Sporting & DTL practise and tuition by appointment only. Please call 07778526096 or 01409241839., 08:00-13:00

The Priory Clay Target Centre, Lincolnshire, 07468 069373, 100 DTL & 100 ESK REG Practice open for all disciplines , 09:00-16:00

West Midlands Shooting Ground, Shropshire, 01939 200644, Tuition & private practice by appointment – Gunroom open, 08:30-17:00

Whitewater Shooting Ground Ltd, Nottinghamshire, 07712 164062, PRACTICE DTL, ESK, ESSTR, 10:00-16:00

Willow Farm Shooting Ground, Kent, 01233 758703, Sporting,Skeet,DTL,Compact Practice & Lessons, 09:00-14:00

Yeaveley Estate Ltd, Derbyshire, 01335 330247, Practice/Lessons/Corporate Events. All by appointment. Strictly fibre wad only

Sunday 3 December

A1 Shooting Ground, Greater London, 0208 4419986, Practice OTR, ES10:00-13:00

Ashley Clay Shoot, Devon, 01884 243476, 70 TARGET PRACTICE ESP SHOOT, 10:00-12:00

Atkin, Grant & Lang SG, Hertfordshire, 01582 849382, ESP Practice – Pay & Play. Tuition by Appt. Tel 01582849382 Email:, 10:00-13:30

Ayre Clay Target Club, Isle Of Man, 07624 497136, 50 ESK LEAGUE, 10:15

Barbury Shooting School, Wiltshire, 07872 666154, 100 ESP Practice Food available Last entries 12:00, 09:00-12:00

Beverley Clay Target Centre, Yorkshire, 01964 551134, 50 ABT REG, 50 UTR REG & 50 DTL REG, 09:00-10:30

Bisley Gun Club, Surrey, 07713 762928, 100 Registered DTL Competition – XMAS Shoot, 08:30-14:00

Bisley Shooting Ground Ltd, Surrey, 01483 797017, ESP PRACTICE,PAY & PLAY, TUITION, 09:00-16:00

Bolton Gun Club Clay Section, Lancashire, 07801 149010, DTL, ESK & ESP practice, 10:00-12:00

Brize Norton Gun Club, Oxfordshire, 01993 868989, 50 ESP,ESK, Practice shoot, Last card sold 11:30. Food, 10:00-13:00

Brook Bank, Somerset, 01749 871055, 100 DTL & 100 UTR + ESP Practice 10:30am-3pm (Please check Calendar on, 10:30-11:30

Bywell Shooting Ground, Northumberland, 01670 787827, 100 ESK REG, 50 ESP REG, 50 STR REG Christmas Shoot, 10:00-12:00

Cambridge Gun Club Ltd, Cambridgeshire, 01353 648004, ESP & STR Practice 100 Reg DTL Competition Winter Series. Telephone Entries Only., 10:00-15:00

Cockett Farm Shooting Ground, Nottinghamshire, 01623 882244, ESESK, DTL, ABT, STR, FSP & HIGH SKEET, 10:00-15:00

Codicote Bottom CTC, Hertfordshire, 07768 714774, 70 TARGET SPORTING, DTL/ABT available on request, contact Alan on main number or Stuart on 07919 157128, 10:00-12:30

Cosford Shooting Ground, Warwickshire, 07563 518090, Practice ESK, STR, EShot food available, 10:00-13:30

Crowland Gun Club, Lincolnshire, 01733 222031, ESK, DTL & ESP Practice Shoot, 11:00-15:00

Dartford Clay Shooting Club, Kent, 01322 311001, 100 ESK REG & RE-ENTRY, 100 SKD REG & RE-ENTRY, PRACTICE ESK, ESABT, OSK, UTR, DTL, DR & CSP , 10:00-16:00

Doveridge Clay Sports Centre, Derbyshire, 01889 565986, Open Practice, 10:00-14:30

Eastwick Shooting Ground, Essex, 07540 488600, 50 English Sporting re-entry


Catering. , 10:00-13:30

Eriswell Lodge, Suffolk, 01638 534045, 100 Reg ESP – open entries 900am, last cards 230pm £35.00 B/O. ESSTR, ESK, SKD, ABT, DTL, A/R, FSP Practice, 09:00-15:30

Fauxdegla Shooting Ground, Wales, 01978 790198, OPEN FOR PRACTICE – 100 DTL REG XMAS SHOOT – 100 OTR REG 2ND FIOCCHI WINTER SERIES, 10:00-17:00

Fenland Gun Club, Cambridgeshire, 01945 475854, Practice DTL, ESK & 70 ES10:00-13:00

Fillongley Shooting Club, Warwickshire, 07751 952149, Sporting, 10:00-12:30

Forhill Shooting Club, Warwickshire, 07836 225580, 100 ESP Open, 13 stands, Hot food available last entries 12:00, 10:00-14:00

Four Counties Clay Target Club, Berkshire, 07909 864027, 50 ESP Open Re-Entry Cash in Mens, Ladies, Veterans & Juniors plus Targets Only + Pool Shoot., 10:00-13:30

Garlands Shooting Ground, Staffordshire, 01827 383300, 100 ESP REG SPORTING – HG £150 – CASH IN CLASSES – 25 BIRD SPORTRAP POOL SHOOT – STEVE LOVATT 07467 226926, 10:00-14:00

Gloucester Clay Shooting Club, Gloucestershire, 07827 812796, 100 ESK REG, 10:30-12:30

Greenfields Shooting Ground, Kent, 01227 713222, 100 ESP REGISTERED, 09:30-12:00

Griffin-Lloyd Shooting Ground, Wales, 01547 550634, OTR (appt only), 23 ESP Stands (Drive/Walk), Grouse Butt & High Tower. 01547 550 634, 09:30-16:00

High Lodge Leisure Ltd, Suffolk, 01986 784347, PRACTICE CLAYS DTL, ESK, ES09:30-12:30

Horne CPC (Court Farm), Surrey, 07711 332097, 100 ESP £100 1st in AA,A,B,C, £50 2nd in Each Class plus Ladies & Juniors, 10:00-14:00

Isle Of Wight Gun Club, Isle Of Wight, 07779 194429, 100 DTL REG – 100 ESP Wappenshaw Shoot, 10:00-14:00

Kegworth Shooting Ground, Leicestershire, 07973 111650, 100 ESP REG £150 HIGH GUN, £720 + Prize fund & £100 + Payout each class + Sportrap POOL, 10:00-14:00

Kibworth Shooting Ground, Leicestershire, 0116 279 6001, Practice: ESESK, DTL, STR, FSP. , 10:00-15:00

Lea Marston Shooting Club Ltd, Warwickshire, 01676 540070, 50 Bird, Skeet, DTL, ABT, Sport Trap Practice, Tuition by Appointment, 1 mile M42 J9, 09:30-13:30

Lea Valley Shooting Assoc., Hertfordshire, 01992 552011, 80 ESDTL, ABT, ESK, FSSTR Practice, 10:00-13:00

Leek & District Gun Club, Staffordshire, 01538 371516, 70 ESP OPEN FELT WADS ONLY, POOL SHOOT, CASH PRIZES AND MEMBERS MAJOR TROPHIES, 10:00-11:30

Manchester Clay Shooting Club, Lancashire, 07761 409427, 100 ES10:30-14:30

Mill Farm, Sussex, 01798 861218, 50 ESP Open Clay Shoot, 10:00-13:00

Moreton Massey Gun Club, Hertfordshire, 07855 403902, 100 ABT, ESK & ES09:30-13:00

National Clay Shooting Centre, Surrey, 01483 797666, 100 OTR REG Xmas Shoot, 09:00-16:30

North Of England C.T.C, Yorkshire, 01904 738120, 100 ESP REG Tel entries squadded, 10:00-12:30

Northampton Shooting Ground, Northamptonshire, 01604 642252, 100 ESP REG £100 HG Tel.entries pref & Open Practice, 09:15-16:30

Nottingham & District Gun Club, Nottinghamshire, 01623 883798, 100 ESK REG 1st Winter Series, 100 DTL REG, Practice ESFSSTR, ESK & DTL 10:00 – 16:00. Food available all day., 09:00-12:30

Nottingham Sporting Clays, Nottinghamshire, 01623 883798, 50 ESP Re-Entry 1st Winter Series. Practice ESFSSTR, ESK & DTL 10:00 – 16:00. Food available all day., 09:00-14:30

Oak Lodge Shooting Ground, Durham, 07786 868691, Practice ESP & STR, 10:00-14:00

Oakedge Shooting Ground, Staffordshire, 01889 881391, 100 ESP Registered Competition + POOL. Food & drinks available, 10:00-13:00

Old Glossop Clay S.G., Derbyshire, 07508 363918, 100 ESP REG – GUARANTEED £150 HG + £120 PER CLASS, 10:00-13:00

Orston Shooting Ground, Nottinghamshire, 01949 851181, 100 Reg ESP + 25 Pool + DTL, ESK Open Comp & ABT practice, shop & café, 09:00-14:00

Podimore Shooting School, Somerset, 07888 697401, 100 ESP REG, 10:30-13:30

Ranton Clay Target Club, Staffordshire, 07800 510428, 25 DTL RE-ENTRY CHRISTMAS SHOOT, 10:00-12:00

Rugby & District Trap Club, Warwickshire, 07770 551491, 100 UTR REG EXPRESS WINTER SERIES, 09:00-10:30

Sheff/Sycamore GC (Bradfield), Yorkshire, 0114 240 1634, 50 ESP 25 DTL 25 ABT PRACTICE, 11:00-14:00

South Wales 2000 S.G, Wales, 01495 201182, 100 ABT REG, 09:30-10:30

South West Shooting School, Devon, 01271 864784, PRACTICE ES10:30-13:00

Southdown Gun Club Ltd, Sussex, 01903 877555, OPEN PRACTICE – ESESK, COMPAK, DTL, ABT, HIGH TOWER, GROUSE BUTT, LESSONS, 10:00-15:00

Spennymoor & District C.P.C, Durham, 0191 377 2412, 80 DR REG (40 pairs), 50 ESK REG and Practice DTL & ES09:30-12:00

Sporting Targets Ltd, Bedfordshire, 01234 708893, ESESK, STR, DTL & FSP PRACTICE , 09:00-14:00

Tamar Shooting Ground, Devon, 01409 241839, 100 DTL REG, Email and telephone entries only. , 09:30-10:30

The Priory Clay Target Centre, Lincolnshire, 07468 069373, 100 ABT REG, Practice open for all disciplines , 10:00-16:00

Urchfont Clay Pigeon Club, Wiltshire, 01380 721218, 50 Bird Sporting Jill’s Charity Shoot Members £17.50 Non-Members £19.50, 10:00-11:30

Weston Wood Shooting Ground, Oxfordshire, 08448 269270, 100 ESP REG SPORTING – HG £150 – CASH IN CLASSES, 09:30-13:00

Whitewater Shooting Ground Ltd, Nottinghamshire, 07712 164062, 100 ESK REG & PRACTICE DTL, ESK, ESSTR, 10:00-16:00

Willow Farm Shooting Ground, Kent, 01233 758703, 70 Sporting Competition,Compact Pool,Skeet Practice, 10:00-13:00

Yeaveley Estate Ltd, Derbyshire, 01335 330247, 50 ESP Open Shoot. Refreshments available. Strictly fibre wad only., 10:00-12:30

Monday 4 December

Barbury Shooting School, Wiltshire, 07872 666154, 100 ESP Practice Food available Last entries 16:30, 09:00-17:00

Cockett Farm Shooting Ground, Nottinghamshire, 01623 882244, ESESK, DTL, ABT, STR, FSP & HIGH SKEET, 10:00-Dusk

E.J.Churchill Group Ltd, Buckinghamshire, 01494 883227, Practice and Lessons. Please call to book, 09:00-15:00

Fauxdegla Shooting Ground, Wales, 01978 790198, CORPORATE BOOKNGS ONLY

High Lodge Leisure Ltd, Suffolk, 01986 784347, PRACTICE CLAYS DTL, ESK, ES10:00-17:00

Lains Shooting School, Hampshire, 01264 889467, ESP & ESK PRACTICE TEL 01264889467, 09:00-15:00

Lea Marston Shooting Club Ltd, Warwickshire, 01676 540070, By Appointment,Skeet,DTL,ABT, Sport Trap Practice & Tuition, 50 Bird check availability, 1 mile M42 J9, 09:30-17:30

North Devon Shooting Ground, Devon, 01271 863959, 100 ESP practice, 10:00-16:00

Royal Berkshire S.S., Berkshire, 01491 672900, 100 ESP Practice and Tuition. Royal Flush Comp – 100 birds for £50. Food available 9-2. Adv. bookings only

South West Shooting School, Devon, 01271 864784, PRACTICE ES10:30-17:00

Sporting Targets Ltd, Bedfordshire, 01234 708893, ESESK, STR, DTL & FSP PRACTICE , 09:00-18:00

Tamar Shooting Ground, Devon, 01409 241839, Sporting & DTL practise and tuition by appointment only. Please call 07778526096 or 01409241839., 08:00-13:00

West Midlands Shooting Ground, Shropshire, 01939 200644, Tuition & private practice by appointment – Gunroom open, 08:30-17:00

Yeaveley Estate Ltd, Derbyshire, 01335 330247, Practice/Lessons/Corporate Events. All by appointment. Strictly fibre wad only

Tuesday 5 December

Atkin, Grant & Lang SG, Hertfordshire, 01582 849382, ESP Practice – Pay & Play. Tuition by Appt. Tel 01582849382 Email:, 09:00-17:00

Barbury Shooting School, Wiltshire, 07872 666154, 100 ESP Practice Food available Last entries 16:30, 09:00-17:00

Bisley Shooting Ground Ltd, Surrey, 01483 797017, ESP PRACTICE,PAY & PLAY, TUITION, 09:00-16:00

Cockett Farm Shooting Ground, Nottinghamshire, 01623 882244, ESESK, DTL, ABT, STR, FSP & HIGH SKEET, 10:00-Dusk

E.J.Churchill Group Ltd, Buckinghamshire, 01494 883227, Practice and Lessons. Please call to book, 09:00-15:00

Fauxdegla Shooting Ground, Wales, 01978 790198, CORPORATE BOOKNGS ONLY

Greenfields Shooting Ground, Kent, 01227 713222, 100 ESP PRACTICE, 10:00-14:30

High Lodge Leisure Ltd, Suffolk, 01986 784347, PRACTICE CLAYS DTL, ESK, ES10:00-17:00

Kibworth Shooting Ground, Leicestershire, 0116 279 6001, Practice: ESESK, DTL, STR, FSP. , 10:00-16:00

Lains Shooting School, Hampshire, 01264 889467, ESP & ESK PRACTICE TEL 01264889467, 09:00-15:00

Lea Marston Shooting Club Ltd, Warwickshire, 01676 540070, By Appointment,Skeet,DTL,ABT, Sport Trap Practice & Tuition, 50 Bird check availability, 1 mile M42 J9, 09:30-17:30

Mickley Hall Shooting School, Cheshire, 07766 252438, OPEN PRACTICE ESP & DTL AND TUITION, 10:00-15:00

Mid Norfolk Shooting Ground, Norfolk, 01603 860436, Lessons only by appointment – Café, shop & air gun range open –, 10:00-16:00

Mid Wales Shooting Centre, Wales, 01686 430654, PRACTICE DTL,ESP,ESK,OSK,ABT, 09:00-17:00

National Clay Shooting Centre, Surrey, 01483 797666, Practice Only, 09:00-16:30

Normanton Shooting Ground, Leicestershire, 07747 001624, ESP PRACTICE + POOL SHOOT, 10:00-Dusk

North Devon Shooting Ground, Devon, 01271 863959, 100 ESP practice, 10:00-16:00

Oakedge Shooting Ground, Staffordshire, 01889 881391, ESP practice with 12 stands on and lessons, 09:00-16:00

Oxfordshire Shooting School, Oxfordshire, 07876 033665, ESP Practice – Pay & Play. Tuition by Appt. Tel 07876 033 665 Email:, 09:00-17:00

Royal Berkshire S.S., Berkshire, 01491 672900, 100 ESP Practice and Tuition. Royal Flush Comp – 100 birds for £50. Food available 9-2. Adv. bookings only

South Wales 2000 S.G, Wales, 01495 201182, Practice all disciplines, 10:00-17:00

South West Shooting School, Devon, 01271 864784, PRACTICE ES10:30-17:00

Sporting Targets Ltd, Bedfordshire, 01234 708893, ESESK, STR, DTL & FSP PRACTICE , 09:00-18:00

Tamar Shooting Ground, Devon, 01409 241839, Sporting & DTL practise and tuition by appointment only. Please call 07778526096 or 01409241839., 08:00-13:00

West Midlands Shooting Ground, Shropshire, 01939 200644, Open practice ESK & CSP 12:00-16:00, 08:30-17:00

Willow Farm Shooting Ground, Kent, 01233 758703, Sporting,Skeet,DTL,Compact Practice & Lessons, 09:00-16:00

Yeaveley Estate Ltd, Derbyshire, 01335 330247, Practice/Lessons/Corporate Events. All by appointment. Strictly fibre wad only

Wednesday 6 December

A1 Shooting Ground, Greater London, 0208 4419986, Practice OTR, ES10:00-16:00

Atkin, Grant & Lang SG, Hertfordshire, 01582 849382, ESP Practice – Pay & Play. Tuition by Appt. Tel 01582849382 Email:, 09:00-17:00

Barbury Shooting School, Wiltshire, 07872 666154, 100 ESP Practice Food available Last entries 16:30, 09:00-17:00

Beverley Clay Target Centre, Yorkshire, 01964 551134, Practice all disciplines, 10:30-16:00

Bisley Shooting Ground Ltd, Surrey, 01483 797017, ESP PRACTICE,PAY & PLAY, TUITION, 09:00-16:00

Bywell Shooting Ground, Northumberland, 01670 787827, DTL, ESK & STR Practice, 12:00-16:00

Cambridge Gun Club Ltd, Cambridgeshire, 01353 648004, ESDTL, SKT & STR Practice , 10:00-16:00

Catton Hall SG Ltd, Cheshire, 01928 788295, Open ESP practice, 10:30-16:00

Cockett Farm Shooting Ground, Nottinghamshire, 01623 882244, ESESK, DTL, ABT, STR, FSP & HIGH SKEET, 10:00-Dusk

Dartford Clay Shooting Club, Kent, 01322 311001, PRACTICE – ESK, ESABT, OSK, UTR, DTL, DR & CSP , 10:00-16:00

Doveridge Clay Sports Centre, Derbyshire, 01889 565986, Open Practice, 10:00-17:00

E.J.Churchill Group Ltd, Buckinghamshire, 01494 883227, Practice and Lessons. Please call to book, 09:00-15:00

Eriswell Lodge, Suffolk, 01638 534045, ESSTR, ESK, SKD, ABT, DTL, AR, FSP Practice, Evening Skeet competition 500pm to 830pm, 09:30-20:30

Fauxdegla Shooting Ground, Wales, 01978 790198, PRACTICE ALL DISCIPLINES, 10:00-17:00

Greenfields Shooting Ground, Kent, 01227 713222, 100 ESP PRACTICE, 10:00-14:30

Griffin-Lloyd Shooting Ground, Wales, 01547 550634, OTR (appt only), 23 ESP Stands (Drive/Walk), Grouse Butt & High Tower. 01547 550 634, 09:30-16:00

High Lodge Leisure Ltd, Suffolk, 01986 784347, PRACTICE CLAYS DTL, ESK, ES10:00-17:00

Kibworth Shooting Ground, Leicestershire, 0116 279 6001, Practice: ESESK, DTL, STR, FSP. , 10:00-16:00

Kingsferry Gun Club, Kent, 01795 877037, PRACTICE, 10:00-17:00

Lains Shooting School, Hampshire, 01264 889467, ESP & ESK PRACTICE TEL 01264889467, 09:00-15:00

Lea Marston Shooting Club Ltd, Warwickshire, 01676 540070, 50 Bird, Skeet, DTL, ABT, Sport Trap Practice, Tuition by Appointment, 1 mile M42 J9, 10:00-17:30

Manchester Clay Shooting Club, Lancashire, 07761 409427, 100 ES11:00-15:00

Mickley Hall Shooting School, Cheshire, 07766 252438, OPEN PRACTICE ESP & DTL AND TUITION AND 75 FSP REG & 25 CSP REG, 10:00-15:00

Mid Norfolk Shooting Ground, Norfolk, 01603 860436, Practice ESESK & Trap 10.30am-1pm & 5pm-7.30pm. Tuition by apcafé, shop & air gun range open, 10:00-19:30

Mid Wales Shooting Centre, Wales, 01686 430654, PRACTICE DTL,ESP,ESK,OSK,ABT, 09:00-17:00

National Clay Shooting Centre, Surrey, 01483 797666, Practice Only, 09:00-16:30

Normanton Shooting Ground, Leicestershire, 07747 001624, ESP PRACTICE + POOL SHOOT, 10:00-Dusk

North Devon Shooting Ground, Devon, 01271 863959, 100 ESP practice, 10:00-16:00

Northall Clay Pigeon Club, Sussex, 01825 791783, ESCSESK, OSK, DT & ABT practice, 10:00-17:00

Nottingham & District Gun Club, Nottinghamshire, 01623 883798, Practice ESFSSTR, ESK & DTL. Food available all day., 10:00-Dusk

Nottingham Sporting Clays, Nottinghamshire, 01623 883798, Practice ESFSSTR, ESK & DTL. Food available all day., 10:00-Dusk

Nuthampstead Shooting Ground, Hertfordshire, 01763 848172, Practice, 10:00-16:00

Oakedge Shooting Ground, Staffordshire, 01889 881391, ESP practice with 12 stands on and lessons, 09:00-16:00

Orston Shooting Ground, Nottinghamshire, 01949 851181, ESDTL, Pool, ESK, ABT, Driven, Open Practice, Tuition, Shop & Café, 09:00-16:00

Oxfordshire Shooting School, Oxfordshire, 07876 033665, ESP Practice – Pay & Play. Tuition by Appt. Tel 07876 033 665 Email:, 09:00-17:00

Podimore Shooting School, Somerset, 07888 697401, Practice ES10:00-16:00

Royal Berkshire S.S., Berkshire, 01491 672900, 100 ESP Practice and Tuition. Royal Flush Comp – 100 birds for £50. Food available 9-2. Adv. bookings only

South Wales 2000 S.G, Wales, 01495 201182, Practice all disciplines, 10:00-17:00

South West Shooting School, Devon, 01271 864784, PRACTICE ES10:30-17:00

Southdown Gun Club Ltd, Sussex, 01903 877555, OPEN PRACTICE – ESESK, COMPAK, DTL, ABT, HIGH TOWER, GROUSE BUTT, LESSONS, 10:00-15:00

Sporting Targets Ltd, Bedfordshire, 01234 708893, ESESK, STR, DTL & FSP PRACTICE , 09:00-18:00

Tamar Shooting Ground, Devon, 01409 241839, Sporting & DTL practise and tuition by appointment only. Please call 07778526096 or 01409241839., 08:00-13:00

The Priory Clay Target Centre, Lincolnshire, 07468 069373, Practice open for all disciplines, 10:00-16:00

West Midlands Shooting Ground, Shropshire, 01939 200644, Tuition & private practice by appointment – Gunroom open, 08:30-17:00

Whitewater Shooting Ground Ltd, Nottinghamshire, 07712 164062, PRACTICE DTL, ESK, ESSTR, 10:00-17:30

Willow Farm Shooting Ground, Kent, 01233 758703, Sporting,Skeet,DTL,Compact Practice & Lessons, 09:00-16:00

Yeaveley Estate Ltd, Derbyshire, 01335 330247, Practice/Lessons/Corporate Events. All by appointment. Strictly fibre wad only

Thursday 7 December

A1 Shooting Ground, Greater London, 0208 4419986, Practice OTR, ES10:00-16:00

Atkin, Grant & Lang SG, Hertfordshire, 01582 849382, ESP Practice – Pay & Play. Tuition by Appt. Tel 01582849382 Email:, 09:00-17:00

Barbury Shooting School, Wiltshire, 07872 666154, 100 ESP Practice Food available Last entries 16:30, 09:00-17:00

Beverley Clay Target Centre, Yorkshire, 01964 551134, Practice all disciplines, 10:30-16:00

Bisley Shooting Ground Ltd, Surrey, 01483 797017, ESP PRACTICE,PAY & PLAY, TUITION, 09:00-16:00

Brook Bank, Somerset, 01749 871055, ESP/ESK/DTL/ABT/UTR/OTR (Please check Calendar on, 11:00-17:00

Cambridge Gun Club Ltd, Cambridgeshire, 01353 648004, ESDTL, SKT & STR Practice , 10:00-16:00

Cockett Farm Shooting Ground, Nottinghamshire, 01623 882244, Closed

Cosford Shooting Ground, Warwickshire, 07563 518090, Practice ESK, STR , 10:00-15:00

Dartford Clay Shooting Club, Kent, 01322 311001, PRACTICE – ESK, ESABT, OSK, UTR, DTL, DR & CSP , 10:00-16:00

Doveridge Clay Sports Centre, Derbyshire, 01889 565986, Open Practice, 10:00-17:00

E.J.Churchill Group Ltd, Buckinghamshire, 01494 883227, Practice and Lessons. Please call to book, 09:00-15:00

Eriswell Lodge, Suffolk, 01638 534045, ESSTR, ESK, SKD, ABT, DTL, AR, FSP Practice, 09:30-15:30

Fauxdegla Shooting Ground, Wales, 01978 790198, PRACTICE ALL DISCIPLINES, 10:00-17:00

Greenfields Shooting Ground, Kent, 01227 713222, 100 ESP PRACTICE, 10:00-14:30

Griffin-Lloyd Shooting Ground, Wales, 01547 550634, OTR (appt only), 23 ESP Stands (Drive/Walk), Grouse Butt & High Tower. 01547 550 634, 09:30-16:00

High Lodge Leisure Ltd, Suffolk, 01986 784347, PRACTICE CLAYS DTL, ESK, ES10:00-17:00

Kibworth Shooting Ground, Leicestershire, 0116 279 6001, Practice: ESESK, DTL, STR, FSP. , 10:00-16:00

Lains Shooting School, Hampshire, 01264 889467, ESP & ESK PRACTICE TEL 01264889467, 09:00-15:00

Lea Marston Shooting Club Ltd, Warwickshire, 01676 540070, By Appointment,Skeet,DTL,ABT, Sport Trap Practice & Tuition, 50 Bird check availability, 1 mile M42 J9, 09:30-17:30

Mickley Hall Shooting School, Cheshire, 07766 252438, OPEN PRACTICE ESP & DTL AND TUITION, 10:00-15:00

Mid Norfolk Shooting Ground, Norfolk, 01603 860436, Practice ESESK & Trap 10am-2pm. Tuition by apcafé, shop & air gun range open, 10:00-16:00

Mid Wales Shooting Centre, Wales, 01686 430654, PRACTICE DTL,ESP,ESK,OSK,ABT, 09:00-17:00

National Clay Shooting Centre, Surrey, 01483 797666, Practice Only, 09:00-16:30

Normanton Shooting Ground, Leicestershire, 07747 001624, ESP PRACTICE + POOL SHOOT, 10:00-Dusk

North Devon Shooting Ground, Devon, 01271 863959, 100 ESP practice, 10:00-16:00


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