Gear Shooting

Fix broken zips on the go!

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

Tried and tested review of the ‘Fix n Zip’; it fixes your broken zips while out and about

credit: Archant

What can I say about this dinky little product? For starters, it works! In less than 30 seconds I was able to fix my zip. Well, if I’m honest, it took 10 minutes of furiously cursing the large-sized ‘slider’ and its utter uselessness, before spotting the measuring chart on the back of the pack and realising that my cardigan called for the medium-sized ‘slider’; after that it was plain sailing! FixnZip is a fantastically simple solution to an infuriating problem; it’s good fun enough standing in three inches of mud battling the elements with your coat zipped up… if your zipper goes, leaving two flapping panels of pointlessness, you can pretty much call it a day. That’s where the brilliance of this little gadget comes into play. Should the worst happen, you can fix your coat while you’re still inside it, using nothing but the ‘slider’ supplied. Simply loosen the screw on the slider, place it over one row of zipper teeth, tighten the screw, feed in the other row of zipper teeth, and pull upwards. Voila! The more I marvelled at this little gadget, the more I could see its wide-ranging uses: coats, rucksacks, suitcases, cushion covers, those jeans you were going to diet your way into… It comes with extra attachments to create a little toggle puller if you wanted to, and can be started at any point along the row of teeth, so it doesn’t matter if the zip packed in halfway up or right at the bottom, this little wonder will fix it. A word of advice – save your time and sanity by establishing which sized slider fits your zip, before attempting to fix it.

RRP: £19.96 for a pack of three sliders + attachments, or £9.95 for one slider + attachment.

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