Gear Shooting

G-Line Smartphone Scope Adaptor

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

Will Edwards tests out this brilliant G-Line scope-to-phone adaptor, and finds it to be one of the best on the market

credit: Archant

I’ve had a good look for a phone-to-scope adaptor for use with my rifles, and have come across some right dross. The last thing I want is some contraption that’s likely to mark the scope’s eyepiece or requires fiddly and constant adjustment to get the correct sight picture.

Well, I’m sure I’ve found the solution to my problem in the G-Line Sharp Sight smartphone adaptor. It comes as a two-part kit – one being the scope adaptor and the other a universal backing plate – and you have the option of either buying just the components you need or, as I’ve done, the complete kit.

The engineering and build quality is superb! The backing plate is easily adjustable for whatever make of phone you have, and features silicone pads on the screws that hold your phone in place, ensuring it doesn’t get damaged while allowing you to have easy access to its buttons and controls. There is also the bonus that if you happen to upgrade your phone at a later date, you can simply reconfigure the plate to the dimensions of your new phone.

I’d suggest having a good look at the website, which has some great video clips of the scope adaptor in use, as well as being assembled. YouTube is worth a nose at as well.

I’ve captured some spectacular slow-motion video footage on my phone of shots on vermin with my HW 110 in .22, and longer range ones with my .17 HMR. By the way, this piece of kit has been tested on .50 cals with no recoil issues at all. My verdict: I’m yet to find anything that trumps this phone-to-scope adapter, and it was very easy and quick to set up too.

credit: Archant

RRP: Sharp Sight adaptor: €119.70; universal plate: €49.70

credit: Archant

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