
Small shoot, great fun

Small shoot, great fun

Mike Powell uncovers the unique charm and appeal of small – very small – pheasant shoots, where each bird taken is a cherished victory

Mike Powell
Sim essentials

Sim essentials

If you haven’t tried a simulated game day, here’s what to expect from one of the fastest growing areas of our sport. Rebecca Green has the details

Rebecca Green
Safety first

Safety first

In the first of a series of articles, Mark Heath dives into the safety-critical subjects of gun etiquette and muzzle awareness

Sporting Gun
Benelli semi-automatic

Benelli semi-automatic

Rob Speed, a dyed-in-the-wool over-and-under man, takes a look at a lightweight semi-auto and loves it!

Rob Speed
Squirrelled away

Squirrelled away

Patrick Hook explains the necessity of controlling grey squirrels, considering technical, legal, ethical and safety aspects.

Patrick Hook
Field to fork

Field to fork

Patrick Hook explains the culinary and financial benefits of shooting rabbits, and gives some tips to ensure success

Patrick Hook
A 149 Day

A 149 Day

Geoff Garrod has a bumper day on the woodies as he confronts the task of mitigating crop damage caused by surging populations

Sporting Gun
The Ultimate Foxer

The Ultimate Foxer

Paul Austin explores the rifles and calibres that are perfect for long-range varminting

Paul Austin
The Macnab

The Macnab

The Macnab Challenge – a salmon, a stag and brace of grouse in one day – has its roots in a novel by John Buchan.
Simon K Barr finally succeeds after 10 years of trying

Simon K. Barr
Valley of Plenty

Valley of Plenty

Jasper Fellows takes in the mountain air at Dovey Valley Shooting Ground

Rape Recon

Rape Recon

Geoff Garrod on the fine art of crop protection and the invaluable role buckwheat can play in the game

Snipe in Devon

Snipe in Devon

Dom Holtam travels to the Tamar Valley in pursuit of some spectacular, sustainable snipe shooting

Dominic Holtam
A promising new chapter for The Women’s Shooting Network

A promising new chapter for The Women’s Shooting Network

The Shotgun and Chelsea Bun Club are rebranding with aims of revolutionising visibility for women shooting.

HIKMICRO at The Great British Shooting Show 2024

HIKMICRO at The Great British Shooting Show 2024

HIKMICRO is set to unveil its latest thermal and night vision technology at the British Shooting Show (BSS) 2024 this weekend.

Watch: Euston Hall - a UK sporting paradise

Watch: Euston Hall - a UK sporting paradise

Emily Damment
The delight of greenheads

The delight of greenheads

As rumours abound of the number of mallard being released on game shoots, Alan Jarrett recounts some of his memorable encounters with this humble, ubiquitous duck

Alan Jarrett
Watch: What to do when you miss!

Watch: What to do when you miss!

This episode of Clay Shooter TV explains how to correct your own misses, and features a Yildiz Pro review and Fiocchi's F Black on test!

Watch: Targeted thermal foxing

Watch: Targeted thermal foxing

Deano Harrison is out trying to catch up with two problem foxes that he has spotted on the trail cam; find out how he gets on in this video!
