Game Shooting

Watch: High flighting pigeons with Andy Crow

Andy Crow is back in the hide! It's a miserable day, and although some birds decoy nicely, many swoop past wide or high... which. luckily for us, makes for a spectacular display of shooting skills!

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent October 26, 2022

Andy Crow’s shooting is something to behold in this episode of our pigeon control series with everyone’s favourite farmer. 

The day starts with torrential rain and high winds, but once things settle down a bit, Andy and his mate “Fat Mat” are in for a great day!

The pair are shooting pigeons over bean stubble and rape, and although they are not decoying particularly well to begin with, it gives the lads a chance to pull off some absolutely beautiful long shots on high flighting pigeons.

There are some lovely left-and-rights to enjoy in this month’s shooting-heavy offering, as well as some stratospherically high birds that are picked off with ease! All in all, it’s a good job they stuck out the rain and wind and made a go of it, as the final bag is a decent one. Enjoy!


High Detail Full Bodied Decoy, rotary and nets:

Blaser F16 shotgun:

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