From pump action to over-and-unders, discover everything you need to know about shotguns for clay, game and rough shooting
Welcome to your ultimate resource for everything related to shotguns in the world of clay, game and rough shooting. Whether you’re a seasoned shot or a newcomer to the sport, our comprehensive coverage includes expert reviews, practical advice and the latest innovations in shotgun technology.
From pump action and semi-auto to side-by-side and over-and-under models, we provide in-depth analysis of a wide range of shotguns to suit every shooting style and budget.
Discover tips on maintenance, customisation and how to choose the perfect shotgun for your needs, all curated by our team of experienced shooters and industry experts.
We've teamed up with the CPSA to offer you the chance to win a year's full membership to the organisation worth £70! To enter, simply fill in the form!
We've teamed up with Browning UK to offer you the incredible chance to win your very own Browning 525 Sporter 1 shotgun worth £1,725! Simply fill in the form to enter!
Episode 2 of Clay Shooter TV features a tutorial on how to shoot going away targets, and reviews of the Zoli One and B&P's Sporting & Compak fibre Green Core cartridge.
The R&B Sporting Open Weekend runs from 10-11th May at South Worcester Shooting Ground and offers attendees the chance to try a huge variety of guns.
Mark Ripley (260RIPS) presents this masterclass packed with springtime fox control tips, whether you work the lambing fields or poultry farms!
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Subscribe to Sporting Gun magazine and immerse yourself in the world of clay, game and rough shooting. As the leading monthly publication for passionate shooters at all levels, Sporting Gun delivers expert advice, practical tips and in-depth reviews to enhance your skills and enjoyment of the sport.
With features ranging from gundog training to pigeon shooting, and wildfowling to equipment recommendations, you’ll gain valuable insights from professional shooters and industry experts. A subscription not only saves you money on the cover price but also includes £2 million Public Liability Insurance, covering the use of shotguns, rifles and airguns for both recreational and professional use.